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Programming Environment Configuration

This section will cover setting up a development environment in Linux, including installing compilers and configuring IDEs.

Concept Explanation

Programming environment configuration involves installing and setting up development tools and libraries to support programming activities.

Parameter Explanation

  • apt-get:Command-line tool used to install software packages.
  • install:Installs software packages.
  • pip:Python package manager.
  • install:Installs Python packages.
  • Virtual Environment:Tool used to isolate Python projects.
  • virtualenv:Creates a virtual environment.

Practical Examples

  1. Use apt-get install python3 to install Python.
  2. Use pip install numpy to install a Python package.
  3. Use virtualenv myenv to create a virtual environment.

Test Questions

  1. How do you use apt-get to install software packages?
  2. Which command is used to install Python packages?
  3. How do you create and activate a virtual environment?