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Linux File System

This section will cover the basics of the Linux file system, including its structure and common commands used to navigate and manage files.

Concept Explanation

The Linux file system is a hierarchical structure for storing and organizing data. It includes directories, files, and links. Common directories include /etc (configuration files), /var (variable data), /home (user directories), and /usr (user programs).

Common basic commands & explanation

  • ls: List directory contents.
  • -l: Use long format listing.
  • -a: Show all files, including hidden ones.
  • -h: Show file sizes in human-readable format (KB, MB, GB).
  • -R: List subdirectories recursively.
  • cd: Change current directory.
  • ..: Go back to parent directory.
  • ~: Go to home directory.
  • -: Go to previous directory.
  • pwd: Display current directory path.
  • mkdir: Create new directory.
  • -p: Create parent directories.
  • rm: Remove files or directories.
  • -r: Remove directories recursively.
  • -f: Force removal.
  • echo: Print a line of text to the terminal.
  • >: Save to a file (overwrite), e.g., echo "text" > file.txt
  • >>: Append to a file, e.g., echo "text" >> file.txt
  • cp: Copy files and directories.
  • -r: Copy directories recursively.
  • -p: Preserve file attributes.
  • -v: Verbose mode, show progress.
  • mv: Move or rename files and directories.
  • -i: Interactive mode, prompt before overwrite.
  • -v: Verbose mode, show what's being moved.
  • cat: Display file contents.
  • -n: Number all output lines.
  • Use less or more for viewing large files.
  • head: Display first part of files.
  • -n N: Show first N lines (default: 10).
  • -c N: Show first N bytes.
  • -q: Never print headers giving file names.
  • tail: Display last part of files.
  • -n N: Show last N lines (default: 10).
  • -f: Follow file growth (useful for log files).
  • -F: Same as -f, but retry if file becomes inaccessible.
  • grep: Search text using patterns.
  • -i: Case-insensitive search.
  • -r: Search recursively in directories.
  • -n: Show line numbers.
  • chmod: Change file permissions.
  • +x: Add execute permission.
  • u+w: Add write permission for user.
  • g+r: Add read permission for group.
  • chown: Change file owner and group.
  • -R: Change ownership recursively.
  • find: Search for files in directory hierarchy.
  • -name: Search by name.
  • -type: Search by type (f for files, d for directories).
  • -size: Search by size.
  • tar: Archive files.
  • -c: Create archive.
  • -x: Extract archive.
  • -z: Use gzip compression.
  • -f: Specify archive file.
  • zip: Archive files.
  • -r: Recursively archive directories.
  • -q: Quiet mode, suppress output.

  • df: Show disk space usage.

  • -h: Human-readable sizes.
  • du: Show directory space usage.
  • -h: Human-readable sizes.
  • -s: Summary only.

Practical Examples

  1. View All Files and Directories:
  2. Command: ls -la
  3. Example: check /home directory and want to see all files (including hidden ones) with details, run:
    ls -la /home
  4. This command will list all files and directories in /home, showing permissions, owner, size, and modification date.

  5. Change Directory:

  6. Command: cd /var/log
  7. Example: To check log files, enter the logs directory:
    cd /var/log
  8. After this command, your current directory will be /var/log, and you can use other commands like ls to view its contents.

  9. Create New Directory:

  10. Command: mkdir -p /tmp/newdir
  11. Example: To create a nested directory structure:
    mkdir -p /tmp/newdir/subdir
  12. This creates newdir and subdir under /tmp, even if they don't exist.

  13. Remove Directory:

  14. Command: rm -rf /tmp/newdir
  15. Example: To safely remove a directory and all its contents:
    rm -rf /tmp/newdir
  16. This command will recursively remove newdir and all its contents without confirmation. If you want to confirm the removal, use rm -r /tmp/newdir.

More Practical Examples

  1. File Operations:
  2. Copy Files and Directories:

    # Copy a file preserving attributes
    cp -p source.txt backup.txt
    # Copy directory with all contents
    cp -r /path/to/source_dir /path/to/dest_dir

  3. Move and Rename:

    # Rename a file
    mv oldname.txt newname.txt
    # Move file to another directory
    mv file.txt /path/to/destination/
    # Move multiple files
    mv file1.txt file2.txt /path/to/destination/

  4. View File Contents:

    # View entire file
    cat myfile.txt
    # View file with line numbers
    cat -n myfile.txt
    # View large file page by page
    less largefile.txt
    # View first 5 lines of file
    head -n 5 myfile.txt
    # View last 5 lines of file
    tail -n 5 myfile.txt
    # Monitor log file in real-time
    tail -f /var/log/syslog

  5. Search Operations:

  6. Find Files:

    # Find all .txt files in current directory and subdirectories
    find . -name "*.txt"
    # Find files larger than 100MB
    find /home -size +100M
    # Find directories
    find . -type d

  7. Search File Contents:

    # Search for "error" in log file
    grep "error" app.log
    # Search recursively in all files
    grep -r "TODO" /path/to/project/
    # Case-insensitive search with line numbers
    grep -in "warning" *.log

  8. Archive Management:

  9. Create and Extract Archives:

    # Create a compressed archive
    tar -czf backup.tar.gz /path/to/directory
    # Extract a compressed archive
    tar -xzf backup.tar.gz
    # List contents of archive
    tar -tf backup.tar.gz

  10. Zip Archive:

    # Create a zip archive
    zip -r /path/to/directory
    # Extract a zip archive
    # List contents of zip archive
    unzip -l

  11. Disk Usage:

  12. Check Space Usage:

    # Check disk space usage
    df -h
    # Check directory size
    du -sh /path/to/directory
    # Find largest directories
    du -h /home | sort -rh | head -n 5

  13. Permission Management:

  14. Change Permissions:

    # Make a script executable
    chmod +x
    # Give read permission to group
    chmod g+r file.txt
    # Change permissions recursively
    chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory

  15. Change Ownership:

    # Change file owner
    chown user:group file.txt
    # Change ownership recursively
    chown -R user:group /path/to/directory

  16. Text Processing:

    • Basic Text Operations:
      # Count lines, words, and characters
      wc myfile.txt
      # Sort file contents
      sort names.txt
      # Remove duplicate lines
      sort names.txt | uniq

Common Directory Explanations and Hands-on Examples

  1. /etc Directory
  2. Description: Stores system and application configuration files.
  3. Hands-on Examples:

    • View network configuration files:
      ls /etc/network
    • Edit hosts file (requires admin privileges):
      sudo nano /etc/hosts
  4. /var Directory

  5. Description: Used for storing variable data like log files, cache, and temporary files.
  6. Hands-on Examples:

    • View log files:
      ls /var/log
    • Check mail queue (if mail service exists):
      ls /var/mail
  7. /home Directory

  8. Description: Personal directory for each user, storing user data and configurations.
  9. Hands-on Examples:

    • Go to current user's home directory:
      cd ~
    • View all files and directories for current user:
      ls -la ~
  10. /usr Directory

  11. Description: Stores user-level programs and data, typically containing binaries, libraries, and shared data.
  12. Hands-on Examples:
    • View executable files:
      ls /usr/bin
    • View shared libraries:
      ls /usr/lib

Practice Questions

Let's practice the commands we've learned with a comprehensive exercise:

  1. Create the following directory structure:

    ├── a/
    │   ├── test1.txt
    │   └── test2.txt
    ├── b/
    │   └── test3.txt
    ├── c/
    │   └── test4.txt
    ├── test5.txt
    └── test6.txt

  2. Perform these operations:

  3. Rename test5.txt to test7.txt
  4. Remove test6.txt
  5. Display the modification time of test1.txt
  6. Add the text "hello world" to both test1.txt and test2.txt
  7. Show the contents of both modified files
  8. Display the final directory structure
  9. Check and compare the sizes of:
    • Original test directory
    • Directory 'a'
    • Both archive files
  10. Add multiple lines of text to test1.txt:
    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3
    Line 4
    Line 5
  11. Display only the first 3 lines of test1.txt
  12. Display only the last 2 lines of test1.txt
  13. Monitor test1.txt for changes in real-time (use tail -f)
  14. Show the contents of both modified files

  15. Archive operations:

  16. Create a tar archive of the entire test directory named test_backup.tar.gz
  17. Create a zip archive of only the a directory named
  18. List the contents of both archives
  19. Create a new directory called restore
  20. Extract both archives into the restore directory
  21. Compare the contents of original and restored directories


Here's how to complete each task:

  1. Create the directory structure:

    # Create directories
    mkdir -p test/{a,b,c}
    # Create files
    touch test/a/test{1,2}.txt
    touch test/b/test3.txt
    touch test/c/test4.txt
    touch test/{test5,test6}.txt

  2. Perform the operations:

    # Rename file
    mv test/test5.txt test/test7.txt
    # Remove file
    rm test/test6.txt
    # Check file time
    ls -l test/a/test1.txt
    # Add content to files
    echo "hello world" > test/a/test1.txt
    echo "hello world" > test/a/test2.txt
    # View contents
    cat test/a/test1.txt
    cat test/a/test2.txt
    # View structure
    tree test
    # Add multiple lines to test1.txt
    echo -e "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5" > test/a/test1.txt
    # Display first 3 lines
    head -n 3 test/a/test1.txt
    # Display last 2 lines
    tail -n 2 test/a/test1.txt
    # Monitor file (Ctrl+C to stop)
    tail -f test/a/test1.txt
    # View contents
    cat test/a/test1.txt

  3. Archive operations:

    # Create tar archive
    tar -czf test_backup.tar.gz test/
    # Create zip archive of directory 'a'
    cd test && zip -r ../ a/ && cd ..
    # List archive contents
    tar -tvf test_backup.tar.gz
    unzip -l
    # Check sizes
    echo "Directory sizes:"
    du -sh test/         # Total test directory size
    du -sh test/a/       # Directory 'a' size
    echo "Archive sizes:"
    ls -lh test_backup.tar.gz  # Tar archive size
    ls -lh        # Zip archive size
    # Create restore directory and extract archives
    mkdir restore
    cd restore
    tar -xzf ../test_backup.tar.gz
    unzip ../
    # Compare original and restored directories
    diff -r test/ restore/test/
    diff -r test/a/ restore/a/

Example output of size checks:

Directory sizes:
4.0K    test/
2.0K    test/a/

Archive sizes:
2.8K    test_backup.tar.gz

Final directory structure with sizes:

├── test/
│   ├── a/
│   │   ├── test1.txt (contains "hello world" and multiple lines)
│   │   └── test2.txt (contains "hello world")
│   ├── b/
│   │   └── test3.txt
│   ├── c/
│   │   └── test4.txt
│   └── test7.txt
├── test_backup.tar.gz
└── restore/
    ├── test/  (from tar archive)
    │   ├── a/
    │   │   ├── test1.txt
    │   │   └── test2.txt
    │   ├── b/
    │   │   └── test3.txt
    │   ├── c/
    │   │   └── test4.txt
    │   └── test7.txt
    └── a/    (from zip archive)
        ├── test1.txt
        └── test2.txt

This exercise helps practice: - Directory and file creation - File operations (move, remove) - File inspection and modification - Directory structure viewing - Archive creation and extraction with tar and zip - Directory comparison and verification - Size checking of files and directories - Understanding compression ratios