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Network Basics

This section will introduce basic networking concepts in Linux, including configuring network interfaces and using tools like ping and netstat.


网络基础涉及计算机之间的通信。包括 IP 地址、子网掩码和网关的配置。


  • ifconfig:配置网络接口。
  • interface:网络接口名称。
  • up:启用接口。
  • down:禁用接口。
  • ping:测试网络连通性。
  • -c:发送的包数。


  1. Enabling a Network Interface:
  2. Command: ifconfig eth0 up
  3. Step-by-Step:

    1. Open a terminal.
    2. To enable the network interface eth0, execute:
      sudo ifconfig eth0 up
    3. Verify the interface is up by running:
      ifconfig eth0
    4. This command enables the specified network interface, making it ready for network communication.
  4. Testing Network Connectivity:

  5. Command: ping -c 4
  6. Step-by-Step:

    1. Open a terminal.
    2. To test connectivity to Google's servers, use:
      ping -c 4
    3. Observe the results to see if packets are successfully sent and received.
    4. This command sends 4 packets to and reports the response time, helping to diagnose connectivity issues.
  7. Viewing Current Network Configuration:

  8. Command: ifconfig
  9. Step-by-Step:
    1. Open a terminal.
    2. To view the current network configuration, simply type:
    3. Review the output to see details about all network interfaces, including IP addresses and status.
    4. This command provides a snapshot of the current network settings and status of all interfaces.


  1. 如何查看当前网络接口的配置?
  2. 使用哪个命令可以测试与远程服务器的连通性?
  3. 如何启用或禁用网络接口?