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Common Development Tools

This section will cover various development tools commonly used in Linux, such as compilers, debuggers, and IDEs.

Concept Explanation

Development tools are programs used to write, debug, and maintain software, such as compilers, debuggers, and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).

Parameter Explanation

  • gcc: GNU Compiler Collection, used to compile C and C++ programs.
  • -o: Specifies the output file name.
  • gdb: GNU Debugger, used to debug programs.
  • break: Sets a breakpoint.
  • run: Runs the program.
  • IDE: Integrated Development Environment, such as VSCode and PyCharm.

Practical Examples

  1. Use gcc -o hello hello.c to compile a C program.
  2. Use gdb hello to debug a program, set a breakpoint, and run it.
  3. Open a project in VSCode, use the built-in terminal to compile and run the program.

Test Questions

  1. How do you use gcc to compile a file named main.c?
  2. Which command is used to start the gdb debugger?
  3. What is an IDE, and what is its purpose?